BM musau secretarial services

Annual General Meeting

  1. Preparing and dispatching by e-mail the notice of the AGM;
  2. Attending and taking minutes of the AGM;
  3. Circulating the minutes of the AGM to members by e-mail;
  4. Preparing and dispatching by e-mail the notice of any required Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company;
  5. Attending and taking minutes of the EGM; and
  6. Circulating the minutes of the EGM to members by e-mail.

Statutory obligations

  1. Preparing, drafting and obtaining signature of the annual return;
  2. Registering the annual return with the relevant Government agency;
  3. Registering the annual financial statements (audited annual accounts and balance sheets) with the relevant Government agency;
  4. Registering any changes of registered office, directors, members;
  5. Dealing with any other statutory obligations e.g. filing returns of allotments of shares, issue of debentures, charges, as they arise.

Statutory books

Preparing, writing up and updating all statutory books:

  1. The share certificate book;
  2. The minute book
    • Receiving from the management and filing the minutes of the Board of directors (no requirement for the corporate secretary to attend Board meeting except on request and arrangement with the Board of Directors);
    • Preparing and filing the minutes of the members of the Company i.e. minutes of AGM and minutes of any EGMs;
  3. Register of members
    • Preparing, writing up and updating the register of members;
    • The register of members also includes the register of directors, the register of debentures, charges and mortgages if any.

Company Seal

  • Custody of common seal;
  • Attesting the affixation of the common seal;
  • This does not include reviewing the implications of the document from a legal perspective and it does not include advising on legal implications of the document;
  • Under the Companies Act, 2015 it is not necessary for a company to have a common (company) seal.