Law firm in Nairobi, Kenya

Legislative Process and Legal Provisions Introduction and First Reading: The Finance Bill is first introduced in the National Assembly, marking the beginning of its legislative journey. During the First Reading, the bill’s title is read, and copies are distributed to Members of Parliament (MPs). There is no debate at this stage. Second Reading: The bill…

Welcome to B M Musau & Co., Advocates LLP’s comprehensive guide on the role of DNA testing in children matters under Kenyan law. The guide will address common questions regarding this crucial aspect of family and legal proceedings, providing clarity based on both Kenyan laws and international best practices.   What is DNA testing, and…

At B M Musau & Co., Advocates LLP, we often encounter inquiries about child custody and support, under Kenya’s family law. In this article, we address some frequently asked questions to provide clarity on this complex subject, drawing on both local statutes and international best practices.   What is child custody? Child custody refers to…

Welcome to B M Musau & Co., Advocates LLP’s FAQ section on Employment and Labour Relations Law and Practice in Kenya. We are committed to providing you with expert legal guidance to navigate the complexities of employment law. Below are some frequently asked questions to help you understand the key aspects of employment and labour…

At B M Musau & Co., Advocates LLP, we often encounter inquiries about asset imbalance resolutions, particularly debt-equity capitalisation, under Kenya’s corporate, commercial, and tax law. In this article, we address some frequently asked questions to provide clarity on this complex subject, drawing on both local statutes and international best practices.   What is Debt-Equity…

What is a patent?  A patent is a legal right granted by the Kenyan government that allows an inventor to exclude others from making, using, or selling their invention for a limited period of time.   Who may own a patent? Natural Persons- Any individual, whether a citizen or alien, can own a patent. Joint…

What is a trademark? A trademark is a distinctive sign that identifies certain goods or services as those produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise.   Why is it important to register a trademark in Kenya? Registering a trademark gives you exclusive rights to use it within Kenya and serves as legal evidence…

What is unfair competition in the context of intellectual property rights? Unfair competition refers to deceptive or unethical business practices that create an unfair advantage in the marketplace, often involving the unauthorized use of intellectual property rights.   What are the common forms of unfair competition related to intellectual property rights in Kenya? Common forms…

What is copyright? Copyright is a legal right granted by the law of Kenya that protects original works of authorship such as literary, musical, artistic works, and computer programs.   How do I register a copyright in Kenya? To register a copyright, you need to submit an application to the Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO). B…

What is a trade secret? A trade secret is any confidential business information that provides an enterprise with a competitive edge. This may include formulas, practices, designs, instruments, patterns, or compilations of information.   How are trade secrets protected in Kenya? In Kenya, trade secrets are protected under the common law principle of confidentiality. The…

What is intellectual property and why is it important for my business? Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, and symbols. Protecting your intellectual property is crucial for safeguarding your business’s unique assets and innovations.   How can I protect my intellectual property in Kenya? You…

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