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The High Court of Kenya declares some provisions of the Security Laws (Amendment) Act unconstitutional .
This decision arose out of a petition filed by Coalition of Reforms and Democracy (CORD) to challenge the constitutionality of The Security Laws (Amendment) Act No. 19 of 2014 (SLAA) enacted by the National Assembly on 18th December, 2014 and which received presidential assent on 9th December 2014. It came into force on 22nd December, 2014. SLAA amends the provisions of twenty two other Acts of Parliament concerned with matters of national security.
The five judge High Court bench gave the decision on February 23, 2015 comprising of Some Provisions of the Security Laws (Amendment) Act UnconstitutionalJustices Isaac Lenaola, Mumbi Ngugi, Hedwig Ong’udi, Hilary Chimetei and Louis Onguto.

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